Notable Reads
Avanceé Reads for 14 April 23 🔗
Also published: One Step Further read more
Avanceé Reads for 17 Feb 23 🔗
Also shared: (via LinkedIn Human-centered design is not something to add to a product or process. It is what’s realized by the persons who use the product or process — they experience the product or service as something designed for or against them (humane), or as something designed to manipulate … read more
The Whole View of Avanceé Reads 2022
Haven’t had the mental capacity to thematically arrange these, but the view from week to week and month to month is quite inspiring. From just a grouping, to sketched connector lines, to commentary on the links themselves, the view of what was read and considered has spatial depth that hard to put … read more
Avanceé Reads for 30 Dec 22 🔗
Whoops, kind of forgot to post these. Last notable reads set for 2022. And what an incredible amount of reading, contemplating, and making decisions because of them. Wonder if Muse or something similar will allow me to better pull themes out by this time next year… or if there’s something to push … read more
Avanceé Reads for 23 Dec 22 🔗
Might be the last of the year, might not be. Depends on… well, how does one stop or slow down processing the things which also push us forward? Oh yea, there’s not yet been a view of the entire year’s reads. So maybe there is something notable left in the digital exhaust. Also published: Reviewing … read more
Reviewing Avanceé’s 2022 Research and Experiments
Around this time of the year, we revisit some of the research and experiments which have been a part of the ongoing development of Avanceé. Often talked to lightly, but frame a good bit of what becomes the insights and lessons shared with (incoming and potential) clients. The following is a small … read more
Avanceé Reads for 19 Aug 22 🔗
Also published: Robots Arise, Creativity Fails Tweet: On scaling consulting (re: @excapite’s recent post at Tymbals), chewing on something said earlier today “not wanting (the teaching of) mastery, only utilization” - perhaps a few boxes/triangles in a simple phrasing LinkedIn: Studying past notes, … read more
Avanceé Reads for 12 Aug 22 🔗
Also published: On That Ring Project LinkedIn: Studying past notes, interesting insight: the org layer below “strategy” is leaning heavily into being better storytellers. Positive, perhaps. But, some foundations of rhetoric have been missing in edu moments for some time… stories w/o persuasion is … read more
Avanceé Reads for 5 Aug 22 🔗
Also published: [LinkedIn: A Simple Teat to Validate Maturity of Design Leadership](…] read more
Avanceé Reads for 29 July 22 🔗
Also published: Homeostasis As Normal LinkedIn: Yes, it is difficult for many to see what has been prevented because of often putting out fires from what wasn’t prevented. Reaction being judged as more important than prevention. This puts some methods and innovations at a disadvantage from being … read more
Avanceé Reads for 22 July 22 🔗
Also published: Design’s Credibility read more
Avanceé Reads for 15 July 22 🔗
Also published: Platform Semantics Intersection of Outputs and Outcomes read more
Avanceé Reads For 20 May 22 🔗
Also published: Comfort, Friction Chatting w/a UX designer (friend) recently who is looking at professional/career paths which don’t include management and came to a damning thought - one can probably judge the maturity (or growing maturity) of an org for their ability to have and cultivate … read more
Avanceé Reads for 13 May 22 🔗
Also published: Data Analysis is Weird Of note, this week’s share of the Muse board comes from the upcoming Muse 2.0 release. One of the better apps/services in the tools for thought genre, Muse really sets itself apart by being less about collaborative synthesis and more towards personal synthesis … read more
Q1 2022 Avanceé Article Summaries
Running off to quieter platforms is often a decent way to make a distinct sound amongst the others. However, until traction happens, the quieter platforms often can use a boost. This, is that boost. The following articles are derived from projects and interactions from this quarter and slightly … read more
Avanceé Reads for 15 April ‘22 🔗
Also published: Disabling Conversations read more
Avanceé Reads for 21 Jan 22 🔗
Also published: Three Leg Table read more
Avanceé Reads for 14 Jan 22 🔗
New year and the reading, linking, threading, and thematic interludes continue. One of the more fascinating aspects of last year’s reads was the continuity. Hoping to keep that up, with a few more original pieces to keep threading these also. Also published: A Bit Off the Cuff Also appeared on: … read more
Notable Reads for 2021 🔗
A year of things read, things shared. With a neat bonus of a piece not shared. Really appreciate the enhancement to Muse to share the entire screen (versus the screenshot method we did for much of the year). Next year… something like this, as a layered SVG, where you can click into each board then … read more
Avanceé Reads for 24 Dec 21 🔗
Honestly didn’t think there’d be anything for publishing this week; but, am always reading, and there’s always something interesting in the basket. Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating; and a happy Kwanzaa season to those who will be celebrating that as well. May we all find a bit more … read more