Opining about Human-Centered Design in Civic Tech
Cropping a convo for a wider eye/lens… the context being design/human-centered design in (a/some) #CivicTech spaces
How to be human centered when the operational objective isn’t to be humane, but to be operationally more proficient… such is the design challenge to transform its approach and posture once again
Could probably drop tools/practices and just focus towards training and behavioral development… use the “tools/practices” as the languages and impress a heuristic of product agility, operational versatility, and “readiness to {outcome}” as the pillars.
[P]robably have to become coaches/personal trainer-like… versus consultants/facilitator.
Design as an enabler of agility and readiness, and the language it’s expressed in is heard as humane (and yes, profitable).
If you will… if y’all can model your projects to be/act like theirs, but do so faster, humanely, and with on-roads for them to learn ask questions, then use your team’s narrative capacity to give them the vision of the future state they’d desire… y’all would probably have a route. It’s dopmine in the design cycle but usable.
Sucks to say “treat design projects like fake agile development just to prove a point” but it’s probably the angle they need to face their risk threats.
Can opine like this easily as not a current part of the #CivicTech space… those who get it are looking for ways to get it done, or swimming in/near uncertainty and increased pressures thru posturing. If Avanceé should be a part of this space to help your team shift/evolve their approach, get in touch.
Compliance or evolving agility; your call Designers.
Image comes from an old concept. Thinking about how to do interactions differently.