picture showing YT stream of OpenAI Operator announcement as seen on iPad’s screen

There’s a part of having watched OpenAI’s Operaror video (and read the release and accompanying docs which says “in calling the AiPin a secretary, and this should be a part of its characteristics.” And that’s semi-good (heck, am actually not long from booking a flight after a few days of lagging on such).

There’s a part which has a less happy vibe to this… somewhat thinking about the lower-level tech support which falls near the “I don’t want to talk to a machine, I want to talk to a human” feeling. Not that the activity of this type of “non-owned bot” doesn’t make sense… but in a sense that we might be further yielding to a voice of doing stuff which is fine for the machines, but less humane than we’d hoped.

Still chewing… but initial thoughts are neatly conflicted (as usual for many OpenAI announcements). Watching/reading and wonder-filled all at the same time.